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About cc (formally cecilia) - they/she

cc (formally cecilia) is an art therapist (DTATI), Registered Psychotherapist (CRPO), Registered Canadian Art Therapist (RCAT), educator (OCT), and social justice advocate in the Greater Toronto Area in Ontario, Canada. Their goal focuses on promoting mental wellness for all ages through therapeutic art experiences and various forms of communication through building respectful, compassionate, and trusting relationships with people. As a student of mindfulness, cc often utilizes the teachings to reinforce relationship building. 


cc has worked with folks from many different walks of life in one-on-one, small-group, and large-group settings, including schools, institutions, hospitals, shelters, studios, homes, and outdoor spaces. cc has worked with children and youth requiring specific needs in the school system, including those with IEPs.


cc is an active participant in equity and inclusion topics in their community. They have worked with organizations serving radicalized and marginalized folks, including individuals with long-term illness, refugees, individuals with PTSD and depression, people affected by homelessness, individuals who identify with 2SLGBTQ+, people living with disordered eating, and survivors of abuse.


Aside from trauma and healing work, cc advocates for prevention and self-care. cc aims to offer therapy experiences for participants to experience and acquire self-care strategies to prevent stress-related burnoutcc's current focuses include Indigenous-Settler relations and liberation therapy practices


cc currently occupies the land under Treaty 13 and the Williams Treaty on Turtle Island as an uninvited guest. cc is grateful for the gift this land continues to provide them for many years and actively finds ways to include reconciliation in their work.


During their free time, cc is a freelance artist and maker creating art using an array of mediums. 

In consideration of general public health safety, cc (cecilia) is offering online and in-person services based on the needs of the individual.
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